Winter: Naturopathic Seasonal Support for The Water Element

frozen frost bubble in Winter Naturopathic Nutritionist, Rhi Hepple

We are well into the winter season now and as a Naturopathic Nutritionist, I follow the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system of The Five Elements that bring balance to our minds, body, emotions and spirit. I love connecting to the seasons, shifting into what changes I see in nature and how my body responds. Tuning in and listening to what extra support I can bring in for myself during this season.

The Five Elements work in a cycle within us all and outside us in the seasons. The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. They cover a whole year and work with the seasons. They are also within us. As individuals we may resonate with one Element more than others and at various times a particular element can go out of balance which can bring up health issues and disturb our natural wellbeing.

We came into the Water Element on the 21st December and stay with it until the 21st March when we come into the Wood Element. During this winter season we can work on nurturing our own Water Element which will not only support our health but also support our mind and mood too. 

We are now embracing the cool darkness of winter and feeling the Water Element come into its’ own. This season is the start of a number of months of eliminating toxins. First through the hard work of our kidneys and then when we come into Spring it will be the Liver’s turn to take it’s starring role.

The Water Element is about the Kidneys, the store of our Qi energy and bladder which helps us to excrete impurities. It is also about our ears, bones and teeth. Often during the Water Element we may see stronger symptoms in these areas during this season. The emotions of this element are fear and anxiety but also guilt and these can often be heightened during this season. I’m sure you notice that when you are feeling stressed and anxious you may well need to urinate more often. 

surfer in wave - chinese health elements - water, seasonal nutrition

If we think how changeable water can be, we can get more of an understanding of it’s effect on us as an element. Water can be supportive, we can float calmly around a pool but we could be swept away by a big wave in the ocean. It can trickle and babble along in a stream, meandering it’s way through the countryside. Or it can be over flowing, strong, stormy and furious, knocking down anything in it’s path, tearing away at the coastline. It doesn’t like to be contained but prefers to be ever flowing. A still, calm lake may look beautiful but a stagnant corner may have some hidden nastiness. 

An imbalance in the Water Element can also manifest in kidney and bladder issues, hearing problems, tinnitus, osteoporosis, brittle bones, frequent urination, impotence, cold extremities, teeth & gum issues, lower back pain, prostate problems, weak knees, deep depression, hypertension, fluid retention, dryness, anxiety, fearfulness, restlessness, not wanting to conform or feeling trapped.

When in balance the Water Element can help you to be incredibly creative, free flowing ideas and it can also be very driven and motivated to get something done, to achieve goals and ambitions. You may seek adrenaline fuelled activities to stimulate your Water Element.

How can we support our own Water Element?

naturopath bournemouth, learn to eat healthily

Supportive food for the season are seaweeds, blueberries, beetroot, ginger, pumpkin seeds, aubergines, red cabbage, red kale, purple sprouting broccoli, sunflower seeds, chia seeds.

naturopath bournemouth, seasonal eating

Eat warming foods and use spices like chilli, ginger and cayenne to bring heat to your meals

naturopath bournemouth, healthy eating

Keep well hydrated.

Try coconut water which is rich in essential minerals.

Teas for the season are nettle or ginger tea

Passionflower - nerve tonic Passiflora

If anxiety is high then passiflora is a therapeutic nerve tonic and is calming and restorative

speak to a nutritionist online, lymphatic massage kit

If there are signs of stagnation such as excess mucus then support hydration and stimulate the lymphatic system with exercise, massage, dry body brushing etc.

ginger and lime juice, speak to a nutritionist online

Try this warm ginger and lime juice

1apple, 2 stalks of celery, 1/2 cucumber, 3cm root ginger, handful of parsley, handful of spinach, juice of 1/2 lime and juice of half a lemon.

When working with clients I always focus on addressing the physical symptoms first but the Five Elements will always be in the back of my mind and I will add in some nourishing support when appropriate. It’s often when you nurture your element ,you can make a transformational change in your emotions. It can lift your spirit and change your motivations.

I mention one client who I had been working with for a number of months and when her physical symptoms had shifted we started working on nourishing her element that was out of balance which was Water. She then emailed me a couple of months later writing how much better she was feeling, how she had started to learn to play the piano, a dream of hers since she was a child. And also she had taken up rock climbing! A perfect example of the joy that nourishing the elements can create. 


Spring: Naturopathic Seasonal Support for The Wood Element


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