Autumn: Naturopathic Seasonal Support for The Metal Element
As a Naturopathic Nutritionist, I follow the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system of The Five Elements that bring balance to our minds, body, emotions and spirit. They work in a cycle within us all and outside us in the seasons.
The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. As individuals we may resonate with one Element more than others and at various times a particular element can go out of balance which can bring up health issues and disturb our natural wellbeing.
We came into the Metal Element on the 21st September and stay with it until the 21st December when we come into the Water Element. During this autumn season if we can work on nurturing our own Metal Element, it will not only support our health but also support our mind and mood too.
Are you struggling with recent symptoms such as
skin issues,
excess mucus or sinus issues, digestive problems, lung issues, heavy chested, depression, dark moods, or hair loss?
Suffering with symptoms like these could be a seasonal imbalance that the body needs some support and strength to ease any discomfort.
The Metal Element governs the large intestine which helps us to detox toxins and plays a key role in our absorption of nutrients, electrolytes and water as well supports the production of some vitamins. And also our lungs which gives us vital oxygen, playing a role in detoxification, as well as protecting us from pathogens. It is also about the health of skin and hair as well as our mind. The emotion of this element is grief which can often be challenged during this season. Even old grief re-emerging at this time for us to process.
The Metal Element also helps us to stay focused, to question and intellectualise as well as helps us to connect spiritually. When our “metal” is out of balance we may feel disconnected or depressed. We may be muddled in our head or even overly critical or obsessive in our thinking or in our actions. We may find it difficult to let go of things and move forward. Interestingly we may crave things like bread, cheese, white pasta and rice that somehow dampen our emotions.
As the days get darker and shorter we may naturally come inwards and if we are out of balance energetically then that inwards-focus can be more destructive than constructive. After the busy and active summer our rhythms naturally need to slow down more and rest, to contemplate and re-assess. If we do not adjust to this balance we can feel fatigued and depressed.
Find time for peace and quiet
meditation, breathwork, yoga or tai chi are beneficial
What can be good at this time of year is to do some clearing - physically, mentally and emotionally. It's a great time to re-organise the house and clear what you no longer need. And also a beneficial time to do some cleansing, particularly working on the colon, to ensure you are clearing deep-rooted toxicity, which will really lift your energy and spirit. Find time for peace and quiet. If you do not meditate, now is a good time to draw in this amazing practice and if you do meditate you would feel the benefits of doing it more during this season. Qigong, Tai chi and yoga are particularly beneficial for the breath work and ritual movement practices.
When everything is in balance and our Metal Element is nurtured, then we would feel strong and focused. Our life would feel well-balanced and structured. Everything would be tidy and controlled in an easy, appealing way. We would love to research things to find the answers without feeling lost in the details and we would feel strong emotionally.
An imbalance in the Metal Element can manifest in lung problems, asthma, bronchitis, persistent coughs. Also digestive issues and skin problems like eczema, acne or rashes. We may be more prone to allergies, excess mucus, nasal drip and low immunity. We may suffer with hair loss.
One client I saw was really struggling with an out of balance Metal Element and it was impacting negatively in all aspects of the Metal Element. She is very organised and focussed but her husband is even more controlling and this can impact negatively on her loss of energy and her mood. Everything would be in order in her head and then plans would be disrupted and re-arranged. Her frustration in these changes were all internalised.
At this time of year, she was prone to chest infections or had a persistent cough that would last for a number of weeks. She has a few allergies including food allergies which can disturb her digestion and she was often constipated which would impact on her skin health.
Breathwork exercises really helped in supporting the mind and body connection of letting go of what you cannot control and drawing that vital energy inward. Your breath helps to regulate the digestion so this was something she could focus on that supported her in a holistic way. Doing a colon cleanse after the seasonal change and focussing on a diet that supported the gut health and ensuring the bowels were regulated helped to improve her skin health and naturally lifted her mood.
So how can you support your Metal Element this season?
Eat more cauliflowers, cabbage, turnips, leeks, parsnips, celery, pears and plums.
Cook with lots of spices
Choose warming foods
Reducing grains or going grain-free
Using lentils, and beans in your cooking
Soaked linseeds to regulate digestion or psyllium husks to support loose bowels.
Avoid mucus forming foods particularly dairy and bananas
Avoid gluten and red meat which are difficult to digest
Choose pink Himalayan salt for its high mineral content.
Mineral rich foods like the leafy greens, nuts and seeds, cruciferous vegetables and adding green powders to juices or smoothies such as spirulina, chlorella or wheatgrass.
Herbs and spices for the season are cayenne, ginger, cinnamon, basil, rosemary and thyme
Tea for the season is liquorice root which can help to heal the mucosal lining of the lungs and also aids digestion
Dry body brushing
Colon cleanses
Aerobic exercises
Juice for the season by Rosemary Ferguson
This juice or it can also be made as a smoothie is fantastic at clearing congestion mentally and physically. The powerful mixes of herbs and spices are stimulating and decongesting helping to clear airways and relax the nervous system.
Handful of mint leaves
1 courgette
An apple
3cm of root ginger
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp of matcha green tea powder
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground cardamom
1 tsp of raw honey
Pinch of Himalayan salt.
You can blend this all together to make a smoothie or as a juice, then first juice mint, courgette, apple and ginger, then add the juice of the lemon, spices, salt and honey and the matcha powder after.