Summer: Naturopathic Seasonal Support for The Earth Element
As a Naturopath I follow the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system of The Five Elements that bring balance to our minds, body, emotions and spirit. They work in a cycle within us all and outside us within the seasons. The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. As individuals we may resonate with one Element more than others and at various times a particular element can go out of balance which can bring up health issues and disturb our natural wellbeing.
Are you struggling with recent symptoms such as digestive problems, stomach issues, lymphatic disorders, acid reflux, bloating or nausea etc? This could be a seasonal imbalance that the body needs some support and strength to ease any discomfort.
We came into the Earth Element season on the 1st August and stay with it until the 20th September when we go into the Metal Element. During this season we can work on nurturing our own Earth Element which will not only support our health but also support our mind and mood too.
If you are struggling with some recent health symptoms that have come up for you, it could be because of a weakness in your Earth element which makes the change of season a challenge for you. Or do you always get ill at this time of year, then your Earth element needs strengthening so you can be more resilient at this time. Could you have experienced a time of stress which can impact on the health of your Earth element? Moving home, or big home renovations, family upsets especially with your mother, caring for someone who is sick, working long hours in service can all be particularly draining for our Earths.
The emotions of this element are worry and sympathy which can often be challenged during this season. Do you tend to over think and worry about things? Do you internalise your worries and feel it in the “pit of your stomach”. Do you love to care and nurture others but find yourself over-giving, burnt out and depleted as you haven’t cared for your own needs enough? Or do you hate when people show sympathy for you, do you shy away from someone who is caring for you?
The Earth Element is about the stomach, spleen, thyroid and pancreas which is all about how we digest and support our metabolism and nutritional balance. Often during the Earth Element season we may see stronger symptoms in these areas. It is a grounding season where we look to spend more time in nature, to find more peace in a situation and enjoy time with our families.
If we think of the Earth Element as mother nature holding us in a safe and caring space, providing us with everything we need to feel cared for and nurtured.
But if that Earth becomes depleted then the earth cannot provide shelter and nourishment. The soil might crumble away beneath our feet leaving us with uneven ground and feeling unsettled. An imbalance in the Earth Element can manifest in stomach and digestive issues, over or under eating, infertility, thyroid imbalance, excessive mucus, and lymphatic disorders. You may feel disconnected, or anxious from over thinking, over worrying, stressed from being all things for all people.
When in balance the Earth Element can help you to be supportive and empathetic to others. You can be the ideal peacemaker or negotiator and everyone trusts your opinion and feels safe with your guidance.
A sure sign of an unhappy stomach is acidity, bloating and stomach ulcers. Literally over thinking and worrying, or when you “can’t stomach a situation” can resort in digestive symptoms. Ongoing, allowing these kind of emotions to be internalised will manifest in signs of digestive issues. Finding ways to address emotional upset is important. Talking therapies and Polarity therapy are great ways to rebalance the emotions.
One client springs to mind who’s energetic balance of her Earth was impacting on her physical health. She was experiencing a stressful time at work. She was a manager who supported a big team and being caring in nature, she was also aware that a few of her team members were experiencing relationship problems. She was spending time supporting and caring for their emotional needs as well as “holding the fort” at work to ensure that the team were still performing as well as they should.
She found that she was “too busy to eat properly at work” and came home feeling drained and exhausted and found herself bingeing on sweet foods to lift her mood, give her more energy and to “sweeten her day”. She had put on a lot of weight recently and was experiencing bloating and discomfort which left her feeling restless at night and not sleeping soundly. She would toss and turn at night and worry about work which left her fatigued in the morning to start her day all over again. She was relying on sweet treats and loved her caramel latte coffee - “my treat” to keep her going. She was starting to resent being the sweet and caring person supporting everyone else and finding that “no one supported or cared for” her. She was struggling with fertility issues and at times felt like she just didn’t have the energy to support her own family as there were so many people that “needed” her.
She was beginning to disconnect from friends and family because she just “didn’t have any more to give”. Her mood had become very low and instead of being the bright and caring and bubbly person that everyone enjoyed being around she felt she had become distant and over anxious.
Working with nourishing her Earth element and shifting her mindset on what a “treat” would be for her body and mind, she made a focused effort to spend time mothering and caring for herself. She started to connect with what she was putting on her plate and how it made her feel fully nourished and vital. And she started to literally fill her battery pack up, fill her cup up so she was more able to give to others.
Caring and nourishing others is all about balance. If you love to give, then ensure that you are receiving too as giving too much can make us feel very depleted.
So how can you support your Earth element this season?
Take time to rest, having scented baths, read a book, listen to your favourite music
Book a massage or reflexology
Eat more root vegetables, especially sweet potatoes and yams. Choose the orange vegetables rich in betacarotene and naturally sweet such as butternut squash and carrots.
Choose warming foods.
Look after iron levels with dark leafy greens, lentils and black beans, millet and chick peas.
Drink chamomile or lemon balm teas to calm the stomach
Cinnamon helps to regulate our blood sugar levels as it is rich in chromium
Practice some breath work and breathe deep into the belly to calm the nervous system
Spend time in nature, sit under the trees, walk bare foot, lie down and feel the earth hold and support you.
Set boundaries and learn to say no sometimes. Also be willing to accept help from others.
Drink for the season is sweet turmeric lattes
Gut loving juice
Juice for the season (from Rosemary Fergusons book “Juice: Cleanse. Heal. Revitalize”
The papaya is rich in digestive enzymes and the cabbage contains glutamine which makes this juice great for gut healing:
1/2 papaya
Handful of kale
Handful of cabbage
Chunk of fresh root ginger
Juice of half a lemon and juice of half a lime