Could candida be at the root of your health issues?
This is something I see a lot in my clinic. Lots of my clients come with varying symptoms and we find that candida is underlying a lot of the issues. It may not have caused it but there is no doubt it will have aggravated symptoms. Candida needs to be treated first so that digestion is improved before moving on to supporting other health issues. Quite often in clearing candida and improving digestive function other symptoms naturally improve.
We all naturally have candida in our body, in fact researchers in a study in 2016 have found that candida was present in 65% of stool samples. It is when it becomes excessive that it starts to cause and aggravate other health issues. There are actually over a hundred different candida species but the most common one is Candida albicans. When we have enough good bacteria in our microbiome then candida levels can be kept in check but if we do not have enough good bacteria then the candida can be allowed to thrive.
So what can affect our microbiome and allow that Candida to thrive:
Taking antibiotics which kill off the good and bad bacteria.
Eating too much sugar and yeast and refined carbohydrates
Eating a poor diet that is lacking in fibre
Excessive alcohol consumption
High stress levels
Suffering with stomach bug
Excessive diarrhoea or constipation
Some medications such as steroids, antacids and contraceptions
Imbalance in blood sugar levels and diabetes
Hormonal imbalances can also affect our pH which can allow an imbalance in fungal or bacterial overgrowth.
It is when the environment in our digestive tract allows the candida and not the good bacteria to thrive that health problems can occur.
Candida is a fungus and likes to grow in warm, moist environments. When there is excessive candida in the body it is called candidiasis. If left untreated and unmanaged and it becomes a chronic condition, candida can enter the blood stream and trigger an inflammatory response. Ongoing this can actually contribute to an autoimmune condition and may cause more serious issues of our bones, joints or even brains.
A study in 2013 showed that the incidence of oral candidiasis was significantly higher among patients with skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema) compared with the control group.
In a study of patients with ulcerative colitis 90% of them were found to have Candida albicans.
An autopsy study of Alzheimer patients showed extensive Candida albicans in cerebral tissue at autopsy.
Candida overgrowth can also adversely affect our mental health. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates our mood and sleep. 95% of our serotonin is actually made in the gut. When there is candida overgrowth the yeast forms a layer over the gut and can suppress our ability to make serotonin.
Symptoms of candida overgrowth can be obvious or they can be subtle and insidious
Skin problems such as skin fungal infections, nail fungal infections, ringworm, athletes foot, hives, but also possibly eczema, psoriasis, acne etc.
Oral thrush which could lead to sores in the mouth, gum disease
Vaginal thrush
Urinary Tract Infections
SIFO - Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth - leading to digestive problems such as bloating, wind, diarrhoea, leaky gut
Brain fog, poor memory, ADHD
Weight gain
Low mood, depression, anxiety, irritability
Suppressed immune system
Auto-immune conditions
Seasonal allergies
How do you know if you have candida overgrowth?
Your symptoms are always your messengers so what is your body telling you?
A thick white coating over the tongue.
What do your stools look like? Signs of candida can be found in our stools. Such as white, yellow or brown mucus, a white, yellow or light brown string-like substance, froth or foam, frequent loose stools or diarrhoea are all signs of possible candida overgrowth.
Do you have an itchy or sore vagina? A thick white discharge, pain during urination or sex or a burning sensation
Do you often get sores in your mouth? Are there white areas in the mouth?, cracked corners of the mouth. Inflammation in the mouth that may bleed.
Can you test for candida?
There are a few functional tests for candida from Stool testing to blood tests.
Or try the candida spit test - This test is not scientifically proven although more and more scientific data is being collected and it is easy and free to do and along with symptoms it can be a good guide as to whether there is an issue.
The Candida spit test: If you think you may have an issue with candida then why not try this simple test:
First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass. Fill with water and work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water.
Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour.
If you have a candida overgrowth problem you will see strings (like legs) travelling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or “cloudy” saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water.
If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you probably have candida under control.
How to treat it:
In my opinion treating candida with a fungal cream or pessary is like filling up a bucket with a hole in. If there is signs of a fungal infection on the outside of the body then we know there is a more deep rooted infection inside of the body. Creams and pessaries may well soothe the symptoms but it does not get rid of the cause and in time the symptoms will return. There now seems to be a rise of drug-resistant candida species. Clearing excess candida at the root is essential to getting rid of the symptoms all together and a multi-level approach is needed to get the levels rebalanced. As a Naturopath I work with clearing candida a lot and find the best approach is nutritional changes, digestive aids, herbal medicine and lifestyle changes. It may take some months to clear an overgrowth but symptoms usually improve quite quickly.
It is said that during the candida die-off it releases over 70 toxins so what we need to encourage is a healthy elimination. Ensuring the digestive function is working optimally is important. If we just do an anti-candida diet then the candida can hibernate or travel in the body, causing new and uncomfortable symptoms. Die-off symptoms such as a rash, stomach pains any feelings like a cold or flu are often signs the body is clearing. Doing the right candida clearing protocol is essential to support this detox, manage the symptoms and ensure efficient elimination.
Once you have cleared excess candida it is essential to keep your diet rich in a variety of natural antibacterial and anti-fungal foods and nourishing the good bacteria to thrive and do its job of keeping your microbiome in good balance is key. Including these foods is beneficial:
Coconut oil
Aloe vera
Apple cider vinegar
Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, keffir and kombucha
If you think you may need support in clearing candida then why not book a discovery call or book a consultation nd get started in improving all areas of your health naturally.