10 simple ways to support your immunity right now

Using diet to improve your health, herbs in a medicine box

Now, more than ever, we know how important our health is.

What a couple of years it has been. With the talk of our world becoming more vulnerable for mass viral infections like this again, strengthening our immune resilience should be at the forefront of all our minds.

In Naturopathy we talk about the terrain of the body, our internal environment. The terrain is actually more important than the pathogen itself. Do we want that terrain to be welcoming or hostile to a virus? The terrain theory goes some way to explaining why some people get more ill when exposed to a pathogen and some don’t. It all depends on that environment in the body - is it allowing that virus to thrive, is it feeding that virus, is the body already overloaded with toxicity so clearing the virus is harder? Is the immune response weak or even over zealous?

This is our wake up call to get our health in order so we are stronger and more resilient against health attacks like Covid-19.

So what can you do to support your immune healthy naturally.

  1. Plant diversity for microbiome diversity - the more diverse good bacteria there is in your gut the stronger your defence. Aim for 30 plants a week, eating the rainbow and getting those wholegrains, nuts and seeds and fibre rich veg in. Download my 30 plants a day planner to see if you are reaching this target. 70% of your immune cells are in your gut, so looking after those gut buddies will go a long way in keeping you healthy and strong. Fibre rich foods feed that good bacteria and they are your first line of defence.

  2. Take high dose vitamin C (1000mg -2000mg a day at least - more if immune system is low - make sure each dose is at least 2 hours apart) Vitamin D and Zinc and a good probiotic. If you feel like you could be fighting off a viral attack you can go higher with the vitamin C. Look up Dr Levy’s Vitamin C protocol in using high levels of vitamin C to support infection. IV Vitamin C has also been used to treat Covid 19 with great success. Such a simple addition to your day that will really help.

  3. Keep well hydrated. - 2-3 litres of water or herbal teas a day and reduce caffeinated drinks.

  4. Avoid processed foods. Our cells are powered by nutrients, so eating foods that are chemically laden and nutritionally deficient will adversely affect our body not nourish it. Refined sugar is an immune poison and it can actually paralyse white blood cells, and studies have shown that eating sugar has the potential to weaken our immune system by 75% for up to 6 hours. That’s pretty shocking isn’t it. Reduce caffeine and alcohol as well, as these also weaken the immune system.

  5. Prioritise good sleep. This is when your body recuperates and repairs.

  6. Exercise - whatever form you enjoy, get out and move. A stagnated system creates a perfect environment for viral infections to flourish. But don’t over exercise - too much strenuous exercise causes a stress response in the body.

  7. Additional immune supports - echinacea, astragalus, elderberry - these could be taken as a herbal tincture or herbal teas. Also I’m a huge fan of medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, Chaga, lions mane and shiitake etc which are all immune regulators. I drink medicinal mushroom “coffee” (without the coffee but to me tastes like a lovely earthy, bitter drink) every day. You can also get them as a supplement. Essential oils - doTerra OnGuard is amazing. A recent scientific study showed how effective it was at fighting off flu. I regularly use the doTerra OnGuard roller ball on the back of my neck, across my chest, on the soles of my feet, for me and my children. You can also diffuse it in your room - this is usually what I have diffusing when you come and see me for an in-person appointment at the moment. You can also get beadlets to swallow which my boys have used recently while one recovering from covid and the other from a seasonal cold.

  8. 80-20 rule, keep the body slightly alkaline. An acidic body is an inflamed body. Keep the diet more alkaline and you will support a healthy immune system. Download my acid-alkaline food chart.

  9. Make sure you are detoxing efficiently - opening your bowel regularly (x1-2 a day), add some detox support such as chlorella or spirulina and enjoy bitter foods that stimulate the liver. Breathwork not only relaxes the nervous system it also regulates the digestion. Every time I put in a good breathwork session, I have a gentle clearing of the bowels. It is simple, easy and effective. You can also use Epsom salts in your bath and dry body brushing before you shower also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, gently aiding detoxification.

  10. Reduce your stress. Find ways to bring more balance to your life. Make time for your wellbeing and find ways to relax the nervous system, make time for self-care, rest.


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