16 ways to bring positive health & wellbeing to your life

Are you feeling like you need a full review of your health and lifestyle?
I thought I would share my simple but top 16 ways to bring more health and wellbeing to your life. They are not in any prioritised order but each one, I would say for me, is as important as the other.


    Ensure you are getting at least 2 litres of water a day. Our bodies are made up of 70% water and we need to keep topping up those levels to ensure good elimination and good distribution of nutrients.


    We should be aiming for about 30 different plants a week. This can include all your fruit and vegetables and also your wholegrains, nuts, seeds, beans, pulses, legumes, herbs etc This gives you an abundance in essential nutrients as well as supporting a diverse microbiome which will improve your gut health and therefore support your overall health.


    It is fake fuel for the body and can only leave you wanting more. Too much sugar can create inflammation in the body and inflammation leads to disease.


    Lacking in nutrients and full of added preservatives, sugar or sweeteners and flavourings that the body just does not need to process. A simple vegetable stirfry, salad, soup or vegetable stew, or baked sweet potatoes with miso black beans and a side salad can be quick and easy to make and be rich in nutrients to fuel you perfectly.


    Adding in extra nutritional ingredients to your meals will not only provide added nutrients that you can benefit from, but will also add flavour and texture as well as many health benefits.



    Smoothies are a great way to up your nutritional game and give you a boost of nutrients. Make it more vegetables than fruits, and the greener the better. Add some protein powder like Hemp and a handful of nuts and seeds for extra nutritional benefits.

  • Omega 3


    We need to get plenty of good fats, not only to prevent ageing, but they also help keep our organs healthy, prevent cardiovascular disease and are naturally anti-inflammatory. They also help us store vitamins ADEK - important anti-oxidants that support our immune health. I often see vitamln D deficiencies with clients following a low fat diet and we really need good stores of vitamin D to support our immune health and prevent cancer. They also support our hormones and brain health. I find they help balance our emotions and can be therapeutically supportive for anxiety, stress and depression.

  • Gut Health


    Take care of your digestion. Show it some love because it works really hard to keep you healthy by absorbing all the fuel and nutrients you need to thrive and eliminating all the rubbish that your body does not need. Make sure you open your bowels regularly. You do not want to have a sluggish bowel and be holding on to toxicity within the gut as this will only lead to health issues. You should at least be opening your bowels x 1 a day.

  • caffeinated drinks


    Those caffeinated drinks that you think you need to get you through the day. You don’t need it. It will only make you feel rubbish and be reaching for more. Bouncing through the day from one coffee to the next will play havoc with your adrenals. One coffee in the morning is fine but avoid caffeinated drinks for the rest of the day. Also consider the cigarettes, the alcohol, the vaping - have a think, are you using these to distract you from how you are feeling, to numb the mind and fog out the day? Are they stopping you really feeling and connecting and tuning in to life? Try and avoid all of these extra chemicals.

  • stress


    Find ways to bring calm to your mind and your body. Be still. You will be far more focussed, efficient, a better decision maker, multi-tasker and organiser, if you have some rest time. Stop distracting the mind with every spare moment you have with a scroll through your phone etc. Find ways to switch off the adrenals, switch on the parasympathetic nervous system with some calming meditation, yoga and one of my favourites is Breathwork exercises. Root down and ground the body and the mind and enjoy the calm, the space and the quiet. Prioritise restorative rest.

  • joy


    Over stress and worries. Shut down the doom and gloom, let go of the what-ifs, the ffs, the what now, the how and the why’s and just do something blissful that brings a little joy to your heart. Laugh with friends, laugh at a good book, a podcast and a good film, what ever tickles your funny bone. Explore creative practices, take up a hobby, enrich your life with joyful experiences. Your body won’t pump out stress hormones when you are calm, joyful and relaxed.

  • Sleep


    Try and aim for 8 hours good sleep a night. A good nights sleep is so restorative to the body and allows our body to repair and recalibrate. A good nights sleep helps to support our stress levels, our immune system and helps prevent disease. Our brain detoxes at night, without enough sleep you mental clarity and cognitive function is impaired.

  • movement


    However you like to move, get some movement in your day whether it’s a run, walk, yoga, HIIT class or grooving around your lounge to some dancing tunes. Get some kind of activity in your day so you don’t spend hours stagnating in your own juices. Get your heart pumping and your lymphatic system moving to improve the release of toxins as well as get nutrients moving around your body.



    Not only hydrating and naturally caffeine free, you can also get incredible medicinal benefits from herbal teas.

    My favourites are:

    Liquorice - it supports adrenal stress, is a digestive aid, reduces inflammation in the gut

    Nettle - to support kidneys and detoxification and rich in iron. Great if you suffer with heavy periods.

    Dandelion - to suport the liver and detoxification.

    Turmeric and ginger powerful anti-inflammatory benefits and supports gut and liver health.

    Rose - a beautiful herb for female health.

    Chamomile, passiflora, lemonbalm for calming the nervous system.

  • self compassion


    Be kind to yourself, be gentle, be grateful for the little things, don’t be a stress-junkie bouncing from one stressful drama to the next, to keep that adrenaline pumping through your body so you feel alive. Tone down the pace and enjoy a slower flow. Stop self-sabotaging. Stop comparing and start enjoying and living and being YOU.

  • friendships


    Reach out to friends and loved ones and share your thoughts. Find someone you can trust to hold space for you and for you to hold space for them. Share how you feel and find peace in those feelings. Our emotions have a huge impact on our health. Sometimes we can’t fix them but often just being heard is enough. Honour all the feelings and find peace with them.